The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on July 12.
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on Aug. 2.
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on July 21: 'Shornkovs Dec Taht Stogner Supports Perjury Filed'.
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on July 28.
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on July 15: 'Shornikovs Dec About Scheme, Which Armanini & Demarais Used To Defraud Filed'.
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on July 30.
The following cases categorized as "complaint" were on the docket in the Contra Costa Superior Court on March 22. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on March 22.
The following cases categorized as "complaint" were on the docket in the Contra Costa Superior Court on March 1. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on March 1: 'Hearing On Motion To/For Compel Defs Formal Initial Response To Ptlts Req Filed By Dmitriy Shornikov'.
The following cases categorized as "complaint" were on the docket in the Contra Costa Superior Court on Feb. 1. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The following cases categorized as "complaint" were on the docket in the Contra Costa Superior Court on Jan. 27. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on Jan. 25.
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on Jan. 27.
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on Jan. 4: 'Reply To Defs Opposition To Plaintiffs Motion To Compel Filed By Plaintiff'.
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Dmitriy Shornikov against Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association on Jan. 11: 'Hearing On Motion To/For Compel Deft To Produce Docs, Set One, & Snctns Filed By Dmitriy Shornikov'.