Our View News

Our View
Scaremongering lawyers should be disciplined
Lawyers running anti-drug commercials should be held accountable for their claims. If they can’t substantiate those claims, they should be forced to compensate the companies whose sales they’ve depressed and the drug users whose health they’ve impaired.

Our View
Opioid regulator Joe Rannazzisi, hero or villain?
What if Big Pharma is not to blame for the opioid crisis? What if it wasn’t the big bad drug companies that created and exacerbated the problem, but the politicians and government officials pretending to be the good guys?
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Our View
Is parental incompetence partly to blame for teen vaping injuries?
There’s a classic scene in an episode of the 1970s BBC comedy Fawlty Towers in which a diner complains about the bad service provided by the waiter at this quaint seaside inn in southern England.
Our View
State Attorneys General should oversee opioid litigation
Do we want justice or a quick jackpot for trial attorneys? The negotiation class leads to the latter. And, more important, it’s unconstitutional and unfair. The states and their attorneys general are the parties empowered to protect the rights and welfare of their citizens.
Our View
The real public nuisance in California
Five years ago, at the close of a 13-year public nuisance case against ConAgra, et al. in which 10 California counties sought a billion-dollar judgment for lead paint abatement, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge James Kleinberg urged defendants to give up.
Our View
Shouldn't employers pay for your every waking (and sleeping) hour?
If you have a full-time, minimum-wage job at Uncle Bob's Burger Balls and work eight hours a day, you get paid that minimum wage for eight hours, right? That's fair, isn't it?
Our View
Kamala Harris should sue Hastings, Howard
Politicians these days are ever bolder in their overt hypocrisy.
Our View
Our View: We can move to Texas, or we can fix California
When Rick Perry, then governor of Texas, made his infamous forays into California two years ago touting his state's superior business climate, it was hard not to feel aggrieved.