
Gymnast sues gym after landing on her head while attempting inverted maneuver with no spotter


Friday, March 28, 2025

Gymnast sues gym after landing on her head while attempting inverted maneuver with no spotter

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University of Georgia gymnastics

A gymnast has filed suit against a gymnastics coaching group, saying they should be held liable for allegedly failing to provide proper assistance to prevent her from injuring her back while performing a difficult new move.

In a lawsuit filed in San Francisco Superior Court against Acro-Sport Gymnastics & Sports Acrobatics Center, Fiore Cattaruzza claims she was injured while doing an "inverted back tuck" in August 2022. 

"She was not confident in performing the back tuck and requested a spotter," the lawsuit states. "There had always been a spotter present during the prior gymnastic classes. There is a danger that a person in an inverted position can injure themselves if they are unable to land on their feet - especially if they land on their head. A spotter is a commonly used safety practice in gymnastics and minimizes the risk of a student landing on their head after being inverted."

Cattaruzza "attempted the back tuck and landed on her head," the suit said. "The entire accident is depicted on a videotape which (Acro-Sports) has in its possession and. to date, has refused to produce," the plaintiff alleged.

According to the complaint, Cattaruzza was taken to a hospital where she remained for a week. She allegedly "underwent a complex and lengthy spinal surgery... that included fusions at multiple levels of her spine." 

The lawsuit alleges the gymnastics studio and its staff were negligent in failing to assist and supervise Cattaruzza's training session that day.

The suit seeks unspecified money damages, plus attorney fees.

Cattaruzza is represented by attorney Robert B. Abel, Jr., of San Rafael.

 Cattaruzza  v. Acro-Sports Gymnastics & Sport. et al. San Francisco Superior Court. CGC-23-608614


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