

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Plaintiffs Allege Medical Negligence Against University Healthcare System

State Court
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Judge | https://www.pexels.com/

A recent court filing has brought to light a serious allegation of medical negligence against a prominent university's healthcare system. On August 7, 2024, Sandra Curry and Michael Curry filed a complaint in the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento, accusing The Regents of the University of California and Dr. Yashar Javidan of medical malpractice.

According to the plaintiffs, Sandra Curry sought medical treatment from the defendants on August 16, 2023. The lawsuit alleges that during her treatment, the defendants failed to exercise the standard level of care expected from medical professionals in their community. This alleged negligence resulted in severe injuries for Sandra Curry, including nerve damage causing numbness and weakness on her left side. The complaint states that "Defendants...failed to exercise that degree of due care and/or skill common to medical practitioners," leading to significant physical and psychological harm for Sandra Curry.

The plaintiffs further allege that all named defendants were either directly involved or indirectly responsible through their roles as agents or employees within the healthcare system. They claim that each defendant was part of a broader network of physicians, surgeons, nurses, and other healthcare providers who collectively failed in their duty to provide competent medical care. The complaint notes that this failure included inadequate diagnosis, improper treatment plans, and lack of informed consent.

Sandra Curry's husband, Michael Curry, is also listed as a plaintiff in the case. He claims loss of consortium due to his wife's injuries—meaning he has been deprived of her companionship and support as a direct result of the alleged medical negligence. This aspect adds another layer to the damages being sought by the plaintiffs.

The Currys are seeking various forms of relief from the court. These include general damages exceeding the minimum jurisdictional amount, compensation for past and future medical expenses, lost earnings due to Sandra's inability to work post-injury, and damages for loss of society and comfort experienced by Michael Curry. Additionally, they are requesting prejudgment interest on all claimed damages at a lawful rate.

Representing Sandra and Michael Curry is Drew M. Widders from Wilcoxen Callaham LLP. The case has been assigned Case No. S4ceYOTSs ras in front of an unnamed judge at this time.

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