
Stories by Vanessa Van Voorhis on Northern California Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

Vanessa Van Voorhis News

FBI shines spotlight on film piracy

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
LOS ANGELES – Following the pre-release piracy of the film "The Revenant," which equated to an estimated economic loss of more than $1 million for Fox, the FBI is out with renewed warnings to those who upload, download or stream unlicensed content.

State Supreme Court's decision on old foreclosure may cost future borrowers

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
SAN FRANCISCO -- The cost to obtain a home loan may go up due to a recent California Supreme Court decision that paves the way for homeowners in default to challenge the validity of their foreclosure, according to a financial industry attorney specializing in lending disputes and real estate.

Ouch! University of California tuition has gone up 15,000% since 1980

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
SAN RAFAEL – Tuition at University of California’s nine public schools -- including its law schools -- increased roughly 15,000 percent during the last 35 years, and a retired board regent is speaking out about it.

Forensic expert witnesses nationwide to convene in San Francisco

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
SAN FRANCISCO – The Forensic Expert Witness Association (FEWA) will host its annual gathering on May 20 and 21 in San Francisco’s Financial District.

County law libraries face funding conundrum

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
ALAMEDA – Despite increasing demand for services, some of California’s public law libraries may soon be forced to close or downsize due to increases in operating costs and decreases in funding.

CMA not ready to weigh in on latest HEALTH Act legislation

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
SACRAMENTO – The California Medical Association (CMA) says tort reform that places limits on damages for medical malpractice is essential to protecting the stability of the medical system.

Incline attorney transitions toward retirement

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
INCLINE VILLAGE – After 43 years in practice, Incline Village attorney John Rogers is stepping away from his firm.

PIAA: California tort reform needs to go national

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
SACRAMENTO – Physician Insurers Association of America says a bill before Congress that seeks to discourage frivolous lawsuits by limiting noneconomic compensation is an important step toward much-needed tort reform.

Lawyers help position state as No. 1 among America’s Judicial Hellholes

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
SACRAMENTO – After a brief hiatus from the dubious "Judicial Hellholes" list, California has once again been recognized as the worst of the worst states in America for civil justice, thanks – at least in part – to a relatively small number of lawyers.

Virginia law firm's amicus brief advances long-delayed NSA suit

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
OAKLAND – After eight years, a window of opportunity opened last month in Jewel v. NSA, a Fourth Amendment case involving the seizure of AT&T customers’ data by the National Security Agency.

Bitcoins continue to challenge legal definitions

By Vanessa Van Voorhis |
SAN FRANCISCO – A federal judge recently entered a ruling on how a crypto currency will be viewed in bankruptcy court, but at least one journalist covering the digital financial world said the non-tangible nature of bitcoins continues to challenge legal definition.