Recent News About Kazan, McClain
NEW YORK – Attorneys defending Johnson & Johnson in a New York talc powder trial alleging asbestos contamination said a plaintiff expert witness who found the highest concentrations of asbestos in three baby powder bottles was provided with testing samples from the father of a plaintiff attorney---a potential conflict of interest they contend.
OAKLAND – A physician lung specialist called as an expert witness by plaintiff attorneys on Thursday described for a jury the nightmare faced by plaintiff Patricia Schmitz as she goes through the progressively painful stages of mesothelioma, while defendant attorneys said the testimony was based on assumptions.
ALAMEDA – A jury on Wednesday handed baby powder maker Johnson & Johnson a $29.4 million hit deciding that asbestos in the company’s baby powder had caused plaintiff Terry Leavitt to develop the deadly disease mesothelioma.
Although it's not the largest award in a talc lawsuit, experts say the recent award of more than $22 million from a California jury to the family of a deceased paint-maker threatens to skew awards for future talc-asbestos lawsuits.