

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Fresno County motorist alleges another driver caused crash

Car accident 13

FRESNO — A Fresno County motorist is suing another driver, alleging negligence caused a crash that injured the plaintiff.

Ignacia Gonzales Ramirez filed a complaint Nov. 17 in Fresno County Superior Court against Mario Eduardo Santos Lecona and Does 1-20, alleging failure to follow applicable safety guidelines and regulations.

According to the complaint, on Nov. 27, 2015, Ramirez she was operating a motor vehicle upon a Kings Canyon Road and Maple Avenue in Fresno when she came to a complete stop due to a red traffic light. However, the suit says, Lecona failed to stop his car in response to traffic signal and collided into the rear portion of Ramirez's vehicle. 

As a result of the accident, Ramirez says she was injured in her health, strength and activity, sustained injury to her body and shock to her nervous system. 

The plaintiff alleges Lecona failed to follow at a safe distance behind Ramirez's vehicle, failed to slow down or take any precautionary measures, and failed to timely apply his brakes.

Ramirez seeks trial by jury, compensatory damages of more than $25,000, costs of suit and all fair and just relief. She is represented by attorney Jeffrey D. Bohn of Accident, Injury and Medical Malpractice Attorneys of California APC in Fresno.

Fresno County Superior Court case number 17-CECG-03892


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