

Monday, September 30, 2024

Landlord of Fresno apartment complex alleged to have failed to abate substandard conditions


FRESNO – A former tenant of a Fresno apartment complex alleges that her landlord failed to operate the property in conformity with industry customs and standards.

Yvonne Lewis filed a complaint on Aug. 1 in the Fresno County Superior Court against Zaid Altahan and Does 1 through 50 alleging nuisance, negligence and other counts.

According to the complaint, between February and November 2017, Lewis lived in Unit B of the defendant's residential apartment complex with a written lease agreement that defendant as landlord was required to maintain the property in habitable condition in exchange for monthly rent payments. 

She alleges the defendant failed to provide a habitable dwelling because the unit lacked adequate heating, wiring and plumbing that conformed with applicable laws and inadequate sanitation.

The plaintiff holds Altahan responsible because the defendant allegedly failed to adequately repair and abate the untenantable and substandard conditions at the property and allegedly threatened, harassed and intimidated the tenants when they complained about property conditions.

The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks judgment for damages, attorney's fees, costs of suit and for such other relief as the court may deem just and proper. She is represented by Margaret A. Elder and Chandra Gehri Spencer of Elder & Spencer LLP in Fresno.

Fresno County Superior Court case number 18CECG02834


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