

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Man alleges race, gender were factors in harassing conduct while employed at Photoworks

Discrimination 19

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SAN FRANCISCO – An African-American male alleges his former San Francisco employer subjected him to harassment and discrimination.

Karl Reeves filed a complaint on Oct. 31 in the San Francisco Superior Court against Photoworks Inc., doing business as Photoworks SF; Crystal Millan; and Does 1-20 citing the California Fair Employment and Housing Act.

According to the complaint, on July 31, 2017, Reeves was hired for the position of a customer service agent and was the only male working in the front area of the Photoworks store. He alleges throughout the course of his employment, he was never given a performance evaluation even when requested, and was subjected to harassing and discriminatory comments based on his race and gender.

After plaintiff voiced his complaints to managers, he claims he was retaliated against and became the subject of criticism until he was terminated on Oct. 5, 2017. 

The plaintiff holds Photoworks Inc., Millan and Does 1-20 responsible because he was allegedly subjected to harassing conduct because of his race and gender and the defendants knew or should have known of the conduct and failed to take corrective action.

The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks judgment for economic and punitive damages, costs of action, attorney fees, and for any other relief which the court deems proper. He is represented by Fletcher B. Brown of Fletcher B. Brown Law Firm in Oakland.

San Francisco Superior Court Case number CGC18570980

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