

Friday, September 20, 2024

Suit over discrimination allegations filed against Hanna Design Group

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FRESNO – Two Fresno County men have filed a discrimination suit against an Illinois company over work performed on a construction site.

Charles Lewis and Larry Price filed a complaint on Nov. 8 in the Fresno County Superior Court against Hanna Design Group Inc. and Does 1 through 50 over alleged violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act.

According to the complaint, the plaintiffs worked for Five Star Builders and allege they were subjected to harassment and discrimination from the defendant while working on a project in Modesto in 2016. They allege they were not paid in full for their work.

The plaintiffs hold Hanna Design Group Inc. and Does 1 through 50 responsible because the defendant allegedly failed to prevent their employees from engaging in intentional actions that resulted in the plaintiffs being treated less favorable because of their protected status.

The plaintiffs request a trial by jury and seek judgment for general, special and exemplary damages; pre- and post-judgment interest; attorneys' fees; costs of suit; and for such and other further relief as the court may deem just and proper. They are representing themselves.

Fresno County Superior Court case number 18CECG04158


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