
SHOOK HARDY & BACON LLP: "60 Seconds of Legal Science," a Differentiator, Reports The American Lawyer


Saturday, February 22, 2025

SHOOK HARDY & BACON LLP: "60 Seconds of Legal Science," a Differentiator, Reports The American Lawyer


Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P. issued the following announcement on Aug. 29.

The American Lawyer featured Shook’s new video series, “60 Seconds of Legal Science,” which highlights the firm’s health, science and technology legal acumen in a unique way. While most firms focus solely on client alerts and white papers, Shook has unveiled a video campaign that tackles complex topics and cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, VOIP and dietary supplements in an easily understandable way.

“Most of our clients are product companies,” Shook Chief Client Development and Marketing Officer Kim Rennick told the publication. “We need to show them that we understand how they work.”

In a short animated video segment produced in-house, a Shook attorney narrates a complicated concept that is central to their legal practice in order to make it relatable to a non-scientific person. The series was distributed in an innovative social-media campaign across all the firm's platforms, where it was widely viewed and shared by followers as well as others in the life sciences and software industries.

“This gives our attorneys a way to show how they would explain a very technical matter to a jury,” Rennick told ALM. “That is very valuable.”

Reaction to “60 Seconds of Legal Science” has been favorable, garnering more than 22,000 views on Twitter and 29,000 on LinkedIn. The series to date includes IP Practice Co-Chair Trent Webb on VOIP; Product Liability Practice Co-Chair Alicia Donahue on biologics; IP Partner Keith Bae on blockchain; Product Liability Partner Jennise Stubbs on dietary supplements; and FDA and Regulatory Practice Of Counsel Sonali Gunawardhana on medical devices and cyber-security.

Original source can be found here.


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