

Monday, September 30, 2024

Case activity for Amanda Chartier vs Meritage Homes of California Inc. on Dec. 6

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The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Amanda Chartier, Ayub Jalal, Donnie Green, Douglas Chartier, Eric Cole, Gracie M. Cooper, Homa Jalal, Joseph Lemmons, Lee O. Cooper, Melba Green, Ronald A. Elliott, Samuel Camarista, Serena Lemmons, Sonrisa Cole, Velda M. Elliott and William C. Vencill against Meritage Homes of California Inc. on Dec. 6.

'Declaration Of Antonina C. Lococo Filed Re: In Opp To Defs Mtn To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of Ayub Jalal Filed Re: In Opposition To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of Lee O. Cooper Filed Re: In Opposition To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of Melba Green Filed Re: In Opposition To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of Plaintiff Douglas Chartier Filed Re: In Opposition To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of Ronald A. Elliot Filed Re: In Opposition To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of Samuel Camarista Filed Re: In Opp To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of Serena Lemmons Filed Re: In Opposition To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of Sonrisa Cole Filed Re: In Opposition To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Declaration Of William C. Vencill Filed Re: In Opposition To Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Memorandum Of Points And Authorities Filed By Samuel Camarista, Douglas Chartier, Amanda Chartier, Eric Cole, Sonrisa Cole, Lee O Cooper, Gracie M Cooper, Ronald A Elliott In Opp To Def Motion To Compel Arbitration And Stay Action'

'Proof Of Service By Overnight Mail Of See Attached List On See Service List Filed; Served On 12/04/19'

Case number MSC19-02040 was filed in the Contra Costa Superior Court on Sept. 30.


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