
Superior Court of California for San Francisco County: Actions Taken on Dec. 20


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Superior Court of California for San Francisco County: Actions Taken on Dec. 20

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The Superior Court of California for San Francisco County reported the following activity on Dec. 20 in the suits below:

In Dillon Lee, Jennifer H. Lee and Sydney Lee against Jamil Khader Najjar, Kifayeah R. Najjar and other unnamed defendants:

'Civil Case Coversheet Filed (transaction Id # 100150180) Filed By Plaintiff Lee, Dillon M.c. Lee, Sydney M.c. Lee, Jennifer H.'

'Notice To Plaintiff'

'Personal Injury/Property Damage - Vehicle Related, Complaint (transaction Id # 100150180) Filed By Plaintiff Lee, Dillon M.c. Lee, Sydney M.c. Lee, Jennifer H. As To Defendant Najjar, Jamil Khader Najjar, Kifayeah R. Does 1 To 10 Inclusive No Summons Issued, Judicial Council Civil Case Cover Sheet Not Filed Case Management Conference Scheduled For May-25-2022'

'Summons Issued (transaction Id # 100150180) To Plaintiff Lee, Dillon M.c. Lee, Sydney M.c. Lee, Jennifer H.'

Case number CGC21597203 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

In Leslie Black against St. Francis Yacht Club and other unnamed defendants:

'Civil Case Coversheet Filed (transaction Id # 100150182) Filed By Plaintiff Black, Leslie'

'Notice To Plaintiff'

'Personal Injury/Property Damage - Non-vehicle Related, Complaint (transaction Id # 100150182) Filed By Plaintiff Black, Leslie As To Defendant St. Francis Yacht Club Does 1 To 25, Inclusive No Summons Issued, Judicial Council Civil Case Cover Sheet Not Filed Case Management Conference Scheduled For May-25-2022'

'Summons Issued (transaction Id # 100150182) To Plaintiff Black, Leslie'

Case number CGC21597205 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

In Andres Gomez against Walter Zhovreboff and other unnamed defendants:

'Civil Case Coversheet Filed (transaction Id # 100150183) Filed By Plaintiff Gomez, Andres'

'Civil Rights, Complaint (transaction Id # 100150183) Filed By Plaintiff Gomez, Andres As To Defendant Walter Zhovreboff Dba Homequest Realty Does 1-10 No Summons Issued, Judicial Council Civil Case Cover Sheet Not Filed Case Management Conference Scheduled For May-25-2022'

'Notice To Plaintiff'

'Summons Issued (transaction Id # 100150183) To Plaintiff Gomez, Andres'

Case number CGC21597208 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

In Maria Lopez Rubio against City and, Regents of, UCSF Medical Center and other unnamed defendants:

'Civil Case Coversheet Filed (transaction Id # 100150201) Filed By Plaintiff Rubio, Maria Lopez'

'Demand For Jury (transaction Id # 100150201) Filed By Plaintiff Rubio, Maria Lopez'

'Malpractice - Medical/Dental, Complaint (transaction Id # 100150201) Filed By Plaintiff Rubio, Maria Lopez As To Defendant Regents Of The University Of California City And County Of San Francisco Ucsf Medical Center Does 1 To 100, Inclusive No Summons Issued, Judicial Council Civil Case Cover Sheet Not Filed Case Management Conference Scheduled For May-25-2022'

'Notice To Plaintiff'

'Summons Issued (transaction Id # 100150201) To Plaintiff Rubio, Maria Lopez'

Case number CGC21597212 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

In Tammy Serrato against Jacqueline Excoffier and other unnamed defendants:

'Civil Case Coversheet Filed (transaction Id # 100150212) Filed By Plaintiff Serrato, Tammy'

'Demand For Jury (transaction Id # 100150212) Filed By Plaintiff Serrato, Tammy'

'Notice To Plaintiff'

'Personal Injury/Property Damage - Vehicle Related, Complaint (transaction Id # 100150212) Filed By Plaintiff Serrato, Tammy As To Defendant Excoffier, Jacqueline Does 1 To 10 No Summons Issued, Judicial Council Civil Case Cover Sheet Not Filed Case Management Conference Scheduled For May-25-2022'

'Summons Issued (transaction Id # 100150212) To Plaintiff Serrato, Tammy'

Case number CGC21597213 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

In unnamed plaintiff against Rasier LLC, Uber Technologies and other unnamed defendants:

'Civil Case Coversheet Filed (transaction Id # 67182020) Filed By Plaintiff Jane Doe Lsa 176, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 177, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 178, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 179, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 180, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 181, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 182, An Individual; Case Designated Complex Litigation'

'Mass Tort, Complaint (transaction Id # 67182020) Filed By Plaintiff Jane Doe Lsa 176, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 177, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 178, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 179, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 180, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 181, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 182, An Individual; As To Defendant Uber Technologies, Inc., A Delaware Corporation Rasier, Llc, A Delaware Limited Liability Company Does 1 Through 50, Inclusive No Summons Issued, Judicial Council Civil Case Cover Sheet Not Filed Case Management Conference Scheduled For May-25-2022 Complex Litigation Assignment Requested By Filing Parties; Fee Included In Filing Fee'

'Notice To Plaintiff'

'Summons Issued (transaction Id # 67182020) To Plaintiff Jane Doe Lsa 176, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 177, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 178, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 179, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 180, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 181, An Individual Jane Doe Lsa 182, An Individual;'

Case number CGC21597216 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

In Thomas McGrath against Airspace Systems Inc. and Jasminder Singh Banga:

'Contract/Warranty, Complaint (transaction Id # 100150234) Filed By Plaintiff McGrath, Thomas As To Defendant Airspace Systems, Inc. Banga, Jasminder Singh No Summons Issued, Judicial Council Civil Case Cover Sheet Not Filed Case Management Conference Scheduled For May-25-2022'

'Notice To Plaintiff'

'Summons Issued (transaction Id # 100150234) To Plaintiff McGrath, Thomas'

Case number CGC21597217 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

In Old Republic Title Company against Jpmorgan Chase Bank N.A. and other unnamed defendants:

'Civil Case Coversheet Filed (transaction Id # 67181706) Filed By Plaintiff Old Republic Title Company'

'Fraud, Complaint (transaction Id # 67181706) Filed By Plaintiff Old Republic Title Company As To Defendant Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a. Does 1 Through 50, Inclusive No Summons Issued, Judicial Council Civil Case Cover Sheet Not Filed Case Management Conference Scheduled For May-25-2022'

'Notice To Plaintiff'

'Summons Issued (transaction Id # 67181706) To Plaintiff Old Republic Title Company'

Case number CGC21597218 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

In Payden Bullis and Rene Rojas against Charles Schwab:

'Civil Case Coversheet Filed (transaction Id # 200046339) Filed By Petitioner Bullis, Payden Rojas, Rene'

'Declaration Of Respondent Re: Non-Opposition To Petitioners Petition To Confirm Arbitratio A Ward And Enter Judgment Thereon (transaction Id # 200046339) Filed By Petitioner Bullis, Payden Rojas, Rene As To Respondent Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.'

'Memorandum Of Points And Authorities Petitioners Memorandum Of Points And Authorities In Support Of Petition To Confirm Arbitration Award And Enter Judgment Thereon (transaction Id # 200046339) Filed By Petitioner Bullis, Payden Rojas, Rene'

'Notice Of Hearing On Petitioners Payden Bullis And Rene Rojas Petition To Confirm Arbitration Award And Enter Judgment Thereon Included Court Reporter Fee (transaction Id # 200046339) Filed By Petitioner Bullis, Payden Rojas, Rene As To Respondent Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Hearing Set For Mar-10-2022 At 09:30 AM In Dept 302'

'Pettitioners Payden Bullis And Rene Rojas' Petition To Confirm Arbitration Award And Enter Judgement Thereon (transaction Id # 200046339) Filed By Petitioner Bullis, Payden Rojas, Rene As To Respondent Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.'

Case number CPF21517646 was filed in the Superior Court of California for San Francisco County.

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