
Looking to outsource legal processes? Here are some tips to start


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Looking to outsource legal processes? Here are some tips to start

The Business of Law

Records retrieval can be a task handled by outsourcing companies. | Pixabay

For legal firms looking to outsource tasks that are currently performed in the office, outsourcing firm Cyfuture has a few tips that may prevent sending the work to the wrong company and instead will help firms find a perfect fit.

Many legal companies work with units in India and other countries as a way not only to cut costs, but also to trim the time spent by employees on menial tasks that can be completed by someone else.

Different types of services offered by legal process outsourcing companies include templates, reviewing documents, running company searches, legal searches, compliance to various laws, proofreading documents and patent services, to name a few.

Cyfuture.com offered up some tips when looking for an outsourcing company to work with a legal firm.

  • Check the outsourcing company's website to find out what legal services niche they specialize in or offer, whether the company hires interns or freelancers as compared to companies that hire professionals with experience in the field.
  • Check the company's ability to contract-manage and the reputation the company has in the outsourcing industry.
  • Meet face-to-face with the managers to answer all your questions.
  • Choose a partner that matches your business needs. Look for the potential lawyer’s expertise and check to see if it is a good fit for your business.
Records retrieval is one area that can be handled by outsourcing companies, said James Reynolds, vice president of client services at Peak Outsourcing.

"So, it's a very complicated business," Reynolds said. "It sounds pretty simple, but it's extremely complicated. It's a complicated process from the start to beginning. We support organizations in various aspects of the workflow to bring those records in and it's extremely important to the entire process."

Whether you are a plaintiff or a defendant, "having this documentation in hand, or having this organized by a very specific timeline is extremely important for the entire proceeding," Reynolds said. "So it seems like a little thing, but it's actually pretty critical to the entire process."

Working with an outsourcing company can be particularly helpful when a large number of records are involved, Reynolds explained.

"One of the benefits of working with an outsourced partner, or true business outsourcing processing organization like Peak Outsourcing, is that you've got a sense of scale," Reynolds said.


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