

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Philip Kirk Anderson sues Samuel Travis Corioso for negligence in a rear-end auto collision

State Court
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In the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, a lawsuit has been filed by plaintiff Philip Kirk Anderson against defendants Samuel Travis Corioso, Martha Corioso, and Does 1 through 20. The case ID is 24CV435502 and was filed on April 16, 2024. The lawsuit revolves around a rear-end auto collision that occurred on June 16, 2022.

The plaintiff's lawyers are Anthony C. Kastenek and Philip Alexander from Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. The accident took place at the intersection of Cutner Avenue and Leigh Avenue in San Jose, California. As per the allegations, the defendants' negligent operation of their vehicle led to the collision causing multiple injuries to Anderson.

The damages suffered by Anderson as a result of this accident include injury to his body parts and shock and injuries to his nervous system which have caused him great mental, physical and emotional distress along with nervous pain and suffering. The extent of these damages suggests that they may result in some permanent disability for Anderson.

Anderson seeks judgment for negligence against all defendants. He alleges that their careless operation of their vehicle without due regard for life or safety caused the incident leading to his serious injuries.

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