

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Customer sues Whole Foods Market over serious injury caused by a jar of jelly

State Court
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A recent court filing alleges serious negligence and premises liability against a major grocery chain, highlighting the importance of customer safety in retail environments. On June 5, 2024, Megan Anderson filed a complaint in the Superior Court of California for the County of San Francisco against Whole Foods Market, Inc., following an incident that occurred on September 10, 2023.

According to the complaint, Anderson was shopping at a Whole Foods location at 1765 California Street in San Francisco when she suffered a severe injury caused by a jar of jelly falling on her head. The plaintiff claims that this incident resulted from the negligent acts and omissions of Whole Foods Market and its employees. The lawsuit asserts that Whole Foods failed to maintain safe conditions within their store, thereby breaching their duty of care towards customers.

The plaintiff's attorney, Tatevik Gasparyan from Morgan & Morgan Los Angeles LLP, argues that Whole Foods Market is responsible for ensuring the safety of its premises under Civil Code §1714(a), which mandates that everyone is responsible for injuries caused by their lack of ordinary care or skill in managing their property. The complaint further alleges that Whole Foods had actual or constructive knowledge of the dangerous condition but failed to take appropriate measures to rectify it or warn customers.

Anderson is seeking damages exceeding $25,000 for medical expenses, economic losses including lost wages, non-economic losses such as pain and suffering, and pre-trial interest. The complaint emphasizes that the costs associated with maintaining safe conditions would have been minimal compared to the harm caused by their negligence.

The case has been assigned Case No.: CGC-24-615235 and will be presided over by judges yet to be named. Representing Anderson is attorney Tatevik Gasparyan from Morgan & Morgan Los Angeles LLP.

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