

Friday, September 13, 2024

Plaintiff Alleges Negligence Against Mental Health Facility Leading To Husband's Death

State Court
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A recent court filing reveals a harrowing tale of alleged negligence and malpractice that led to the tragic death of a man. The complaint, filed by Jessica Ebert in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara on July 2, 2024, names Momentum for Health and Dr. Garrick Wang as defendants.

The lawsuit was initiated by Jessica Ebert both individually and as the successor-in-interest to her late husband Peter Ebert's estate. It also includes their minor daughter, identified as E.E., represented through her mother and guardian ad litem, Jessica Ebert. The complaint accuses Momentum for Health—a California nonprofit corporation operating under the names La Selva Group and Momentum for Mental Health—and Dr. Garrick Wang of multiple counts including negligence, professional negligence (medical malpractice), wrongful death, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and dependent adult abuse.

Peter Ebert was a 44-year-old scientist with a PhD from Stanford University who began experiencing severe health issues in late 2022. These included heart palpitations, high blood pressure, anxiety, and panic attacks that led to several hospitalizations in early 2023. Despite these challenges, he voluntarily admitted himself to various medical facilities seeking help but found little relief.

By June 13, 2023, Peter was admitted to La Selva under the care of Momentum for Health and Dr. Wang. Over the next few weeks, his medication dosages were significantly increased without proper monitoring or adjustment periods—actions that allegedly exacerbated his condition rather than improving it. On July 6, 2023, Peter left the La Selva facility unnoticed and tragically ended his life by stepping in front of a train.

Jessica Ebert’s complaint details numerous instances where she believes Momentum for Health and Dr. Wang failed in their duty of care towards Peter. She claims they did not adequately monitor his sodium levels despite knowing his history of hyponatremia—a condition that can cause cognitive impairments when sodium levels drop significantly. Furthermore, she alleges that they neglected to diagnose him properly with a panic disorder and instead prescribed medications that worsened his mental state.

The plaintiffs are seeking general damages according to proof, special damages according to proof, punitive damages for certain causes of action including dependent adult abuse and intentional infliction of emotional distress, attorney’s fees as provided by law, pre-judgment interest as provided by law, costs incurred during the suit process and any other relief deemed fair by the court.

Representing Jessica Ebert are attorneys John D. Winer, Matthew P. Vandall, and Jessica L. Hart from Winer Burritt & Scott LLP based in Oakland CA while Judge C. Roman is overseeing this case under Case ID: 24CV442402.

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