

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sanford Roy Oxley Alleges Negligence Against Multiple Public Entities Over Dangerous Sidewalk Conditions

State Court
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A San Francisco resident has filed a lawsuit against multiple public entities and organizations, alleging negligence and dangerous conditions of public property. The complaint was filed by Sanford Roy Oxley, also known as Sandy Oxley, in the Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco on August 12, 2024. The defendants named in the case include the City of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, Chinatown Community Development Center, Inc., GGA 1820 Post, L.P., the State of California, and other unnamed parties.

According to the complaint, Oxley claims that he suffered serious injuries on January 8, 2024, when he tripped on an uneven and defective sidewalk near 1846 Post Street in San Francisco. He alleges that the defendants had a duty to maintain their premises in a safe condition but failed to do so. "Defendants carelessly and negligently designed, constructed, owned, operated, maintained, inspected, controlled their premises," states the complaint. As a result of this alleged negligence, Oxley asserts that he sustained physical injuries requiring medical treatment and care.

The plaintiff further contends that he has complied with all government claim presentation requirements. On January 16, 2024, Oxley presented a written claim to the City of San Francisco which was denied on February 12, 2024. An amended claim was later submitted on June 21, 2024; however, it remains unaddressed by the city as per Government Code Section 912.4(c). Similar claims were presented to the County of San Francisco and the State of California but were either denied or left unaddressed.

Oxley's lawsuit includes two primary causes of action: negligence and dangerous condition of public property. He accuses Chinatown Community Development Center Inc., GGA 1820 Post L.P., and unnamed parties (DOES 1 through 50) of failing to provide adequate safeguards against known dangerous conditions by not maintaining or repairing the sidewalk properly. Additionally, he alleges that public entities such as the City and County of San Francisco along with the State of California breached their duty to manage and control public sidewalks safely.

In his prayer for relief from the court, Oxley seeks compensatory damages for past and future general damages including medical expenses and lost earnings due to his injuries. He also requests pre- and post-judgment interest along with costs incurred during litigation.

The case is being handled by Jacoby & Meyers Attorneys LLP with Jose Alfonso Ramirez-Gomez representing Sanford Roy Oxley. The case ID is CGC-24-617169.

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