

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Plaintiff alleges driver’s negligence caused serious personal injuries

State Court
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A recent court filing has brought to light a serious personal injury case involving a vehicular accident in Sacramento, California. On August 16, 2024, Judy Preston filed a complaint in the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento, against Diana Princess Elbanna and unnamed defendants referred to as DOES 1 through 25.

The case centers around an incident that occurred in the parking lot of 980 Florin Road, Sacramento. According to the complaint, on an unspecified date, Diana Princess Elbanna was driving her 2007 Nissan Altima when she collided with a vehicle in which Judy Preston was a passenger. The plaintiff alleges that Elbanna's negligent and careless operation of her vehicle led to significant injuries for Preston. The lawsuit claims that all defendants were acting within their respective roles as agents, employees, partners, or joint venturers at the time of the incident.

Preston asserts that due to the negligence of Elbanna and other unnamed defendants, she sustained severe injuries affecting her health, strength, and overall activity levels. "As a direct result of Defendants’ failure to exercise due care," the complaint states, "Plaintiff JUDY PRESTON was hurt and injured in her health, strength, and activity." The injuries have reportedly caused ongoing mental and physical pain and suffering for Preston. Furthermore, she believes these injuries will result in some permanent disability.

The plaintiff also contends that because of these injuries, she has had to employ healthcare providers for treatment and care continuously. This has led to mounting medical expenses which are expected to be presented as evidence during the trial. Additionally, Preston claims that her ability to work has been severely impacted by the accident. She states that she has suffered loss of earnings and earning capacity since the incident and anticipates further losses in the future.

In terms of legal relief sought from the court, Judy Preston is asking for general damages exceeding $35,000 according to proof presented at trial. She is also seeking compensation for loss of income and earning capacity along with medical expenses incurred due to her injuries. Moreover, she requests prejudgment interest on any awarded damages calculated from when the cause of action arose or as provided under California Civil Code. Lastly, Preston asks for reimbursement for costs associated with bringing this suit forward.

Representing Judy Preston is Andrew G. Minney from Clayeo C. Arnold's law firm based in Sacramento. The case ID assigned is 24CVO1Ea SSS.

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