
Stories by Whitney Wright on Northern California Record


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Whitney Wright News

Lawsuits against social media after terrorist attacks raises freedom of speech concerns

By Whitney Wright |
SAN FRANCISCO – A recent lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California against Google, Facebook and Twitter raises questions about how far is too far for freedom of speech.

Sedgwick LLP's newest Supreme Court blog launches for California

By Whitney Wright |
SAN FRANCISCO – Sedgwick LLP recently launched the California Supreme Court Review, an online database providing access to more than 1,600 Supreme Court rulings from 2000 through 2015.

CBIA still favors case against inclusionary housing

By Whitney Wright |
SAN JOSE – A recent petition for writ of certiorari was denied by the Supreme Court in a continuing battle against inclusionary zoning involving the California Building Industry Association (CBIA) and the city of San Jose.

Suit filed against Apple over Siri

By Whitney Wright |
TYLER, Texas –  Siri may be hearing the inside of a courtroom in the near future after Dot 23 filed a patent-violation suit against Apple Inc., based in Cupertino, over the voice-recognition and voice-dialing technology.