News from November 2019
CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Attorney General Becerra Calls for Nationwide Ban on Non-Compete Agreements, Reminds Businesses of Existing Prohibition in California
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra today joined a coalition of 19 attorneys general in urging the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to protect workers by banning non-compete agreements in employment contracts nationwide.
Case activity for Roic California, LLC vs Anthony Gulisano on Nov. 18
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Roic California, LLC against Anthony Gulisano and Chow Danville, LLC on Nov. 18.
Court activity on Nov. 18: State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance vs Albert Ormsby
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance against Albert Ormsby and Trent Andrew Ormsby on Nov. 18: 'Court Trial-1 Hr. Short Cause/0 Day(s)'.
Court activity on Nov. 18: Cynthia Banks vs Alma Tejeda
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Cynthia Banks against Alma Tejeda and Martin Ruiz Pulido on Nov. 18: 'Case Management Conference'.
Case activity for Tasha M. Santiago vs Pittsburg Unified School District on Nov. 18
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activities in the suit brought by Tasha M. Santiago against Pittsburg Unified School District on Nov. 18.
California Chamber of Commerce challenges state's cancer warning label requirement for acrylamide
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Legal Newsline) – The California Chamber of Commerce is legally challenging the state's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's (OEHHA) requirement to provide cancer warnings to consumers about exposure to acrylamide per California's Proposition 65.
Court activity on Nov. 18: Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Kevin R. Sexton
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC against Kevin R. Sexton on Nov. 18: 'Clerk's Tickler On Consumer Credit Collections Case-Check For Filing Of Default Judgment Within 360 Days Of Filing Complaint'.
Court activity on Nov. 18: American Recovery Service Inc. vs Bobby Jones
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by American Recovery Service Inc. against Bobby Jones on Nov. 18: 'Check For Request For Entry Of Default'.
Court activity on Nov. 18: Rocky S. Osborn vs Misty D. Lundsford
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Rocky S. Osborn against Misty D. Lundsford on Nov. 18: 'Case Management Conference'.
Court activity on Nov. 18: Nicholas Hiteshaw vs Daniel Hollifield
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Nicholas Hiteshaw against Daniel Hollifield on Nov. 18: 'Check For Dismissal On Conditional Settlement'.
CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Attorney General Becerra Leads Coalition Pushing Back Against Faulty Federal Proposal Undermining Immigration Protections for Abused Children
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra led a coalition of 17 attorneys general pushing back against a federal proposal that would undermine children’s access to Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJ).
CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT: Council Approves Priority List for New Courthouse Construction
The Judicial Council at its Nov. 14 meeting updated the priority list for new courthouse construction projects statewide.
CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT: 2019 Aranda Access to Justice Award
Judge Carol S. Brosnahan of Alameda County Superior Court is the recipient of its 2019 Aranda Access to Justice Award.
Coalition argues University of California should drop use of admission tests, cites bias
OAKLAND – The University of California system faces a lawsuit from a civil rights coalition comprised of groups who oppose its use of the SAT/ACT standardized tests for admissions.
NFIB gauging level of support for new ride-hailing initiative that seeks to amend AB 5
SACRAMENTO – A coalition of ride-hailing companies and supporters throughout the industry have submitted a ballot initiative to the California Secretary of State’s Office in an effort to amend Assembly Bill 5, a new law that will make it more complicated for companies to classify gig economy workers as contractors.
HOLLAND & KNIGHT: Wind and Solar Energy Projects: Structuring EPC Agreements
Attorneys Steve Humes and Jamie Jackson Hansen will speak in a Strafford CLE webinar about "Wind and Solar Energy Projects: Structuring EPC Agreements."
STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA: Bar Releases July 2019 Bar Exam Results
Today the State Bar of California released the results of the July 2019 California Bar Exam,
Court activity on Nov. 15: Discover Bank vs John Binger
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Discover Bank against John Binger on Nov. 15: 'Clerk's Tickler On Consumer Credit Collections Case-Check For Filing Of Default Judgment Within 360 Days Of Filing Complaint'.
Case activity for Merganser Investments LLC vs Michael Dong Yang on Nov. 15
The Superior Court of California for San Francisco County reported the following activities in the suit brought by Merganser Investments LLC and Tarek Hararah against Michael Dong Yang, My Paint Shop LLC and other unnamed defendants on Nov. 15.
Court activity on Nov. 14: Brandy Woods vs Maria Nolasco
The Contra Costa Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Brandy Woods, Jeremiah Britt and Rhema Britt against Maria Nolasco on Nov. 14: 'Case Management Conference Statement Filed By Brandy Woods, Rhema Britt, Jeremiah Britt'.