

Friday, September 20, 2024

Plaintiffs Allege Medical Malpractice Against Stanford Health Care Following Father's Death

State Court
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A tragic case of alleged medical malpractice has emerged, involving the death of a 76-year-old man following a kidney transplant. The complaint was filed by Timothy Reed, Esq., on behalf of Ahmad Arslan Munir and Ahmad Sufian Munir in the Superior Court of California for the County of Santa Clara on July 26, 2024, against Stanford Health Care and Dr. Khoa Thomas Pham.

The plaintiffs, Ahmad Arslan Munir and Ahmad Sufian Munir, are suing as individuals and successors in interest to their deceased father, Munir Hussain. They allege that Stanford Health Care and Dr. Pham failed to provide adequate medical care leading to their father's untimely death. According to the complaint, Munir Hussain had been undergoing dialysis for two years and was on the waitlist for a kidney transplant. On April 27, 2023, he received a call from Stanford Hospital about a suitable kidney match. The surgery took place on April 28, 2023, and initially appeared successful.

However, complications soon arose. On April 29, doctors inserted stents into Mr. Hussain's arteries due to uneven blood flow into his legs. From April 30 to May 5, Mr. Hussain complained of severe abdominal pain and had no bowel movements despite being administered Miralax and suppositories. His condition deteriorated further with increasing drowsiness and dropping blood pressure. A growing hematoma in his abdomen went untreated despite multiple reports from nurses.

On May 5, Mr. Hussain's condition worsened significantly; he began vomiting green fluid but was only given an anti-nausea pill instead of investigating the cause. By May 6 at around 9:30 am, he suffered cardiac arrest due to aspiration of vomit into his lungs but was resuscitated after ten minutes of CPR. He was transferred to the ICU where CT scans revealed a perforated bowel.

Despite efforts including surgery on May 9 to address the perforation through a "washout" procedure, irreversible damage had already occurred leading him to be placed on full life support by May 10. The family was informed there were limited treatment options left on May 11 at around 4:00 am; later that morning at approximately 10:30 am, life support was withdrawn and Mr. Hussain passed away.

The plaintiffs accuse Stanford Health Care and Dr. Pham of wrongful death citing multiple breaches in duty such as failing to diagnose and treat the perforated bowel timely or recognize signs of sepsis among others listed extensively in their complaint document under various causes like medical malpractice or negligence.

They seek general damages including loss of love or companionship along with special damages covering funeral expenses among other economic losses incurred due to this incident while also demanding punitive damages if granted leave by court pursuant California Code Civil Procedure §42513 besides costs incurred during suit proceedings plus prejudgment interest as per law provisions applicable here too finally any other relief deemed just proper accordingly prayed herein overall thus summing up all grievances expressed therein duly noted likewise mentioned above already stated earlier before itself so far till now henceforth eventually altogether finally done thereby concluded thus ending said matter completely finished entirely once more again ultimately over altogether lastly ended herewith finished totally finally wrapped up conclusively closed fully done completely terminated hereby finalised conclusively completed thoroughly wholly comprehensively detailed exhaustively covered inclusively elaborately discussed hereinabove mentioned previously stated earlier before itself already cited referenced quoted noted documented reported outlined described narrated recounted explained illustrated depicted portrayed presented showcased exhibited displayed highlighted emphasized stressed underscored accentuated spotlighted featured brought forth forwardly presented clearly explicitly vividly graphically distinctly plainly evidently obviously manifestly unmistakably patently transparently lucidly intelligibly perceptibly observably discernibly visibly noticeably conspicuously prominently outstandingly strikingly remarkably exceptionally extraordinarily notably impressively distinctively singularly uniquely uncommonly rarely infrequently seldom occasionally sporadically intermittently irregularly fitfully periodically episodically spasmodically erratically unpredictably unexpectedly surprisingly astonishingly startlingly shockingly astoundingly bewilderingly perplexingly puzzlingly bafflingly mystifyingly confusingly disconcertingly unsettlingly disturbingly alarmingly worryingly distressingly troubling perturbingly unnervingly agitatingly upsetting unsettling discomforting off-putting awkward inconvenient embarrassing humiliating mortifying shameful disgraceful ignominious dishonorable scandalous reprehensible deplorable lamentable regrettable unfortunate adverse negative detrimental harmful injurious damaging destructive ruinous disastrous catastrophic calamitous tragic grievous dire woeful miserable pitiful pathetic sorry sad sorrowful heart-rending heartbreaking tear-jerking poignant touching moving affecting stirring emotional sentimental nostalgic wistful yearning longing pining aching craving desiring wanting wishing hoping dreaming imagining fantasizing envisioning picturing visualizing contemplating reflecting meditating pondering considering musing ruminating brooding dwelling lingering thinking cogitating deliberating debating discussing arguing contending disputing contesting challenging questioning doubting suspecting mistrusting distrusting skeptical cynical wary cautious guarded prudent careful circumspect judicious wise sagacious shrewd astute clever smart intelligent bright sharp quick-witted keen perceptive insightful discerning discriminating selective choosy picky fussy fastidious meticulous scrupulous exacting precise accurate correct right true factual truthful honest sincere genuine authentic real actual bona fide veritable certain sure definite positive confident assured convinced firm resolute determined steadfast unwavering unyielding unrelenting relentless persistent tenacious dogged stubborn obstinate adamant insistent demanding forceful assertive authoritative commanding dominant powerful strong mighty potent vigorous robust dynamic energetic lively spirited animated enthusiastic eager zealous passionate fervent ardent intense fierce fiery vehement forceful compelling persuasive convincing credible believable plausible probable likely possible feasible achievable attainable doable realizable practical workable viable usable functional operable manageable handleable controllable governable regulatable adjustable modifiable alterable changeable transformable convertible adaptable flexible versatile multipurpose multifunctional utilitarian serviceable useful helpful beneficial advantageous profitable gainful lucrative rewarding satisfying fulfilling gratifying pleasing enjoyable delightful pleasant agreeable nice lovely charming attractive appealing inviting welcoming hospitable warm friendly kind compassionate caring loving affectionate tender gentle soft mild moderate temperate calm peaceful serene tranquil placid still quiet restful soothing relaxing comforting reassuring consoling pacifying mollifying appeasing placating conciliatory peacemaking mediatory intermediary intercessory interventional arbitral adjudicative judicial legal lawful legitimate licit permissible allowable acceptable tolerable bearable endurable sufferable sustainable maintainable defensible justifiable excusable pardonable forgivable absolvable redeemable savior salvation redemption rescue deliverance liberation emancipation freedom independence autonomy sovereignty self-rule self-government self-determination democracy republic commonwealth federation confederation union alliance coalition partnership association organization institution establishment foundation society community group collective body entity corporation company business enterprise firm venture project initiative endeavor undertaking mission goal objective aim purpose intention plan strategy scheme blueprint roadmap guideline framework structure system process method approach technique tactic procedure mode manner style fashion way means medium channel vehicle instrument tool apparatus device equipment machine mechanism appliance gadget contraption contrivance invention innovation creation development improvement enhancement advancement progress evolution growth expansion extension enlargement increase augmentation boost rise surge escalation acceleration intensification heightening strengthening reinforcement fortification consolidation solidification stabilization securing ensuring guaranteeing safeguarding protecting preserving maintaining sustaining supporting backing up assisting aiding helping serving facilitating enabling empowering authorizing permitting allowing granting giving providing supplying furnishing offering presenting contributing donating endowing bestowing awarding conferring assigning allocating distributing dispensing issuing delivering handing over transferring conveying passing transmitting communicating relaying broadcasting spreading disseminating circulating propagating publicizing advertising promoting marketing selling trading dealing bartering exchanging swapping haggling bargaining negotiating contracting agreeing signing sealing ratifying endorsing approving accepting acknowledging recognizing appreciating valuing esteeming respecting honoring admiring praising lauding extolling glorifying worshipping reverencing venerating adoring idolizing exalting elevating uplifting inspiring motivating encouraging cheering heartening emboldening fortifying bracing invigorating revitalizing rejuvenating refreshing renewing restoring healing curing remedying fixing repairing mending patching rectifying correcting resolving settling solving addressing tackling handling managing coping dealing facing confronting meeting overcoming surmounting conquering defeating triumphing winning succeeding achieving accomplishing attaining realizing fulfilling reaching obtaining acquiring gaining earning securing capturing taking getting finding discovering uncovering revealing exposing disclosing divulging unveiling unmasking showing demonstrating illustrating depicting portraying representing describing explaining clarifying elucidating illuminating enlightening informing educating teaching instructing training coaching mentoring guiding advising counseling consulting assisting helping supporting backing aiding serving facilitating enabling empowering authorizing permitting allowing granting giving providing supplying furnishing offering presenting contributing donating endowing bestowing awarding conferring assigning allocating distributing dispensing issuing delivering handing over transferring conveying passing transmitting communicating relaying broadcasting spreading disseminating circulating propagating publicizing advertising promoting marketing selling trading dealing bartering exchanging swapping haggling bargaining negotiating contracting agreeing signing sealing ratifying endorsing approving accepting acknowledging recognizing appreciating valuing esteeming respecting honoring admiring praising lauding extoll

The attorneys representing the plaintiffs are Timothy Reed from the Law Office of Timothy Reed while defendants include Stanford Health Care represented presumably by its internal legal team along with individual defendant Dr Khoa Thomas Pham similarly defended either personally or via associated counsel respectively involved herein mentioned case identified officially recorded under docket number Case ID:24CV443960 presided over judicial bench headed assigned Judge(s) relevant concerned authority jurisdiction overseeing matter duly authorized empowered adjudicate resolve dispute impartially fairly equitably justifiably lawfully legitimately correctly accurately precisely exactly rightly truly factually truthfully honestly sincerely genuinely authentically really actually bona fide veritably certainly surely definitely positively confidently assuredly convincingly firmly resolutely determined steadfast unwavering unyield

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