

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Restaurant Patron Sues Establishment Over Violent Assault

State Court
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A violent incident at a Sacramento restaurant has led to a lawsuit alleging negligence and premises liability. Thai Cao filed the complaint in the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento, on August 30, 2024, against Chinatown Plaza LLC, Lau OC Viet, and Dung Thi Ly.

According to the court documents, the incident occurred on November 18, 2022. Thai Cao was dining with friends at Lau OC Viet restaurant located within Chinatown Plaza LLC when he was attacked by three intoxicated men. The complaint alleges that Lau OC Viet was serving hard liquor without a proper license and failed to provide adequate security for its patrons. As a result of this negligence, Cao sustained severe injuries including broken legs and other physical trauma.

The plaintiff asserts that the defendants were responsible for ensuring the safety of their customers and adhering to legal regulations regarding alcohol service. "Defendant tenant Lau OC Viet was serving customers with hard liquor in violation of the law," reads the complaint. Furthermore, it claims that Chinatown Plaza LLC had a duty to make sure its tenants did not engage in illegal activities and maintained a safe environment for patrons.

Cao's injuries were compounded when he attempted to escape his attackers by fleeing outside the restaurant but tripped over a wheel barrier in the parking lot, which he describes as "inherently dangerous." The three assailants continued their attack outside until Cao was left severely injured.

As a direct consequence of these events, Cao has incurred significant medical expenses and continues to suffer from pain and diminished quality of life. The complaint details how his injuries have affected his daily activities and financial situation. "Mr. Cao has difficulty conducting his normal everyday activities which causes extreme problems to do his work," states the document.

In terms of relief sought, Cao is asking for general damages amounting to $2 million as well as special damages for medical services already incurred and anticipated future expenses. He is also seeking compensation for loss of income due to his inability to work following the incident.

Representing himself in this case is Thai Cao while no attorneys or judges' names are mentioned in the document provided. The case ID is Sarmyo1ir7aas.

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