
Stories by Seth Sandronsky on Northern California Record


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Seth Sandronsky News

Adult film producer Strike 3 Holdings settles copyright infringement case

By Seth Sandronsky |
OAKLAND – The internet spurs copyright infringements cases in the adult entertainment industry. Consider a recent example.

Appeals court upholds Orange County's disqualifying of judge

By Seth Sandronsky |
California Code of Civil Procedures section 170.6 provides an opportunity for a litigant, either defendant or plaintiff, to remove a judge from a case with no proof of bias and prejudice.

Alleged bug in iPhone 6 smartphones spurs class-action lawsuit against Apple

By Seth Sandronsky |
McCuneWright, LLP, Larson O’Brien, LLP, Simmons Hanly Conroy and Greg Coleman Law are seasoned litigation firms now taking on perhaps the top Silicon Valley company in the world.

California Supreme Court: Business friend or foe?

By Seth Sandronsky |
That's an important question. Much is at stake, as the Golden State is the sixth largest economy in the world.

Are out-of-state plaintiffs clogging California courts?

By Seth Sandronsky |
SACRAMENTO - A new study by the Civil Justice Association of California details the volume of product liability cases that out-of-state plaintiffs filed in Los Angeles and San Francisco against pharmaceutical companies between January 2010 and May 2016.

California Supreme Court denies review of lawsuit on public school teacher tenure; New suit filed in Connecticut

By Seth Sandronsky |
The California Supreme Court's 4-3 vote declining to review a lower court’s ruling that the state’s public school K-12 teacher tenure law does not void the constitutional rights of students to the guarantee of equal education may have stifled education reformers, but only for a day..

California is ground zero for ADA lawsuit abuse

By Seth Sandronsky |
SACRAMENTO - State Rep. Ken Calvert, (R-CA) spoke out against abusive litigation brought on alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) earlier in the state's legislative session saying that businesses ought to be given a reasonable period of time to fix access problems.

Bentham IMF Launches New Civil Justice Research Center at the University of California Irvine School of Law

By Seth Sandronsky |
“Ideally, public institutions would be wholly independent and free of private funds," said Joshua Paul Davis, associate dean for academic affairs and director of the Center for Law and Ethics at the University of San Francisco School of Law

Litigation funding is 'shadow' industry that needs oversight, expert says; Prometheus in SEC crosshairs

By Seth Sandronsky |
A San Francisco-based litigation funding company is a type of business that operates in the shadows, according to a legal expert, and now that the Securities Exchange Commission is going after Prometheus Law on charges of defrauding investors, other third-party litigation funders may find themselves subject to greater oversight.

Opponents say parental leave mandate would expose employers to costly litigation

By Seth Sandronsky |
California employers face a high risk of employment lawsuits

Disability access compliance reform bill on Gov. Brown's desk

By Seth Sandronsky |
SACRAMENTO - A bill that gives small businesses the opportunity to fix Americans with Disability Act (ADA) violations before getting sued has reached California Gov. Brown without a single lawmaker opposing it. 

Bill expanding statute of limitations in climate change cases passes subcommittee

By Seth Sandronsky |
SACRAMENTO - A climate change bill that greatly expands public prosecutors’ power passed on a 5-2 vote in the Senate Environmental Quality Committee on April 20.