Recent News About Diamond Bar
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The California Civil Justice Association (CJAC) has awarded its first annual Civil Justice Gavel award to two state lawmakers whose work exemplifies leadership in the area of legal reform.
Gov. Newsom announces his first trial appointments for 2020
FRESNO – A bank alleges it is owed more than $30,000 from a trucking company for a business line of credit.
SACRAMENTO – A Fresno man is alleged to have misappropriated his former employer's confidential information.
The State Bar Court of California recently suspended four California attorneys for not passing the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) due to prior discipline orders.
LOS ANGELES — Diamond Bar attorney Jennifer Y. Sun was place on one year of probation for alleged false reporting of the completion of her Minimum Continuing Legal Education hours to the State Bar of California.
LOS ANGELES – A Diamond Bar business acting as a subpublisher for Korean popular music alleges its compositions have been used in karaoke bars in the state without its permission.
LOS ANGELES — The State Bar Court of California recently ruled to suspend attorney Barry Steven Jorgensen of Diamond Bar from practicing law for a period of six months, according to court documents.
LOS ANGELES – A Dallas woman and her guardian allege the woman remains in a grave medical condition because of the negligence of a Glendale riding stable.
LOS ANGELES – A Diamond Bar toy company that manufactures Picassotiles alleges a competitor had its product removed from Amazon in an effort to reduce competition.