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San Leandro-based solar and home energy company Fidelity Home Energy, Inc., and its successor NorCal Home Systems, Inc., will pay $350,000 to a former employee and hire a consultant to resolve a national origin discrimination lawsuit, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced.
The Alameda County Superior Court reported the following activity on Aug. 13 in the suits below:
The following cases categorized as "breach of contract/warranty" cases were on the docket in the Alameda County Superior Court on Aug. 13. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The Alameda County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Gabriela Bravo Martiarena against FCA USA LLC and San Leandro Car Stop LLC on Aug. 13: 'Complaint Breach Of Contract/Warranty Filed'.
The Alameda County Superior Court reported the following activity on March 25 in the suits below:
The Alameda County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Irma Leon against FCA Us LLC and San Leandro Car Stop LLC on March 25: 'Complaint Breach Of Contract/Warranty Filed'
The following breach of contract/warranty-related cases were on the docket in the Alameda County Superior Court on March 25. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
The Alameda County Superior Court reported the following activity on March 19 in the suits below:
The Alameda County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Norman Goolsby against San Leandro Dodge on March 19: 'Complaint Breach Of Contract/Warranty Filed'
The following breach of contract/warranty-related cases were on the docket in the Alameda County Superior Court on March 19. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:
SAN FRANCISCO – A Humboldt County resident alleges an herbicide caused him to develop cancer.
OROVILLE – A medical patient alleges she was injured because of an ankle surgery that she claims included surgical procedures she did not consent to.
SAN DIEGO — A patient is suing a major San Francisco hospital, alleging negligence and breach of duty.
SACRAMENTO – A woman alleges that a Vacaville police officer unlawfully arrested her without a warrant and used excessive force.
SAN FRANCISCO – A former operation support worker alleges he is owed overtime wages and was unlawfully terminated because of his age.
SAN FRANCISCO – A San Leandro company is alleged to falsely advertise its beer.
SAN FRANCISCO – A San Leandro contract furniture installation company alleges a Union City business is using a copied version of its exclusive software.