
News published on Northern California Record in January 2019


Monday, March 31, 2025

News from January 2019

FARELLA BRAUN MARTEL LLP: Farella Braun + Martel Announces 2019 New Partner Elevations

By Press release submission |
Farella Braun + Martel LLP is pleased to announce the election of senior associates Quinn Arntsen and Daniel Callaway to the partnership effective January 1, 2019.

JONES DAY: Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection partner John Vogt named to California Daily Journal's 2019 list of Top Cyber Lawyers

By Press release submission |
John Vogt, a partner in Jones Day's Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection Practice, has been named to the California Daily Journal's list of "Top Cyber Lawyers" for his work advising credit reporting agencies and online marketing service providers on complex and high-profile cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection matters.

COZEN O'CONNOR: Cozen O’Connor Attorney Paul S. Rutter Named the Urban Development Lawyer of the Year by Century City Bar Association

By Press release submission |
Cozen O’Connor attorney Paul S. Rutter, a member of the real estate practice in the firm’s Santa Monica, Calif., office, has been named “Urban Development Lawyer of the Year” .

FOX ROTHSCHILD LLP: Ashe Puri and Daniel Wu Named Most Influential Minority Attorneys by the Los Angeles Business Journal

By Press release submission |
Fox Rothschild LLP congratulates Ashe P. Puri and Daniel Wu, who have been recognized among the Most Influential Minority Attorneys by the Los Angeles Business Journal.

OGLETREE DEAKINS: Ogletree Deakins Promotes 17 to Shareholder

By Press release submission |
Ogletree Deakins, one of the largest labor and employment law firms representing management, announced that the firm has elevated 17 attorneys to the shareholder position.

DRINKER BIDDLE: Litigation Partner Paul J. Riehle Joins Drinker Biddle in San Francisco

By Press release submission |
National law firm Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP is bolstering its litigation capabilities with the addition of partner Paul J. Riehle to its Litigation Group. He will be based in the San Francisco office.

Woman alleges collision between bus, trolley in San Francisco caused back injury

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
SAN FRANCISCO – A woman alleges she was injured in a collision between a bus and a trolley in San Francisco.

Producers Dairy Foods alleges it is owed more than $70,000 for goods

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
FRESNO – A Fresno dairy food supplier alleges a Sacramento company failed to pay it for products it supplied.

Scooter driver files suit against motorist who allegedly made illegal turn before striking him in San Francisco

By Noddy A. Fernandez |
SAN FRANCISCO – A scooter driver alleges he suffered serious injuries when a driver struck him while making an illegal turn in San Francisco.

Court grants U.S. Bank's motion to compel arbitration in dispute over fees

By Charmaine Little |
SAN DIEGO – The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California granted a bank's motion to compel arbitration in a suit against it over two types of fees.

WILSON ELSER: Sullivan Appointed a Senior Editor of Employee Benefits Law

By Press release submission |
Don Sullivan (Partner-San Francisco) was recently appointed to serve as a Senior Editor of Employee Benefits Law, a treatise jointly published by the American Bar Association and the Bureau of National Affairs.

GORDON & REES: Beatriz Berumen Appointed to Assistant Managing Partner of Sacramento Office

By Press release submission |
Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani has appointed Beatriz Berumen to Assistant Office Managing Partner of the firm’s Sacramento office.

LEWIS BRISBOIS: California Partners To Present At 2019 Legislative & Compliance Update Forum

By Press release submission |
.Lewis Brisbois is partnering with Progressive Benefit Group to provide a review of new California legislations impacting employers in 2019 on January 31 at the Sheraton San Jose.

GREENBERG TRAURIG: Greenberg Traurig's Ian Ballon and Gretchen Ramos Selected as 2019 Top Cyber Lawyers by the Daily Journal

By Press release submission |
Global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP’s Ian C. Ballon and Gretchen A. Ramos have been named among the “Top Cyber Lawyers in California” for 2019.

GREENBERGTRAURIG: Greenberg Traurig Further Strengthens its IP Practice in California, Adds Trial Lawyer Scott Oliver in Silicon Valley

By Press release submission |
global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP continued the expansion of its Intellectual Property Litigation Practice in California with the strategic addition of Scott Oliver as a shareholder in the firm’s Silicon Valley office.

Jan. 29: Alameda County Superior Court docket for other employment cases

By The Northern California Record |
The following other employment-related cases were on the docket in the Alameda County Superior Court on Jan. 29. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:

Jan. 29: Alameda County Superior Court docket for breach of contract/warranty cases

By The Northern California Record |
The following breach of contract/warranty-related cases were on the docket in the Alameda County Superior Court on Jan. 29. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:

Jan. 29: Alameda County Superior Court docket for wrongful termination cases

By The Northern California Record |
The following wrongful termination-related cases were on the docket in the Alameda County Superior Court on Jan. 29. All case details are allegations only and should not be taken as fact:

Court activity on Jan. 29: Raul Rayna vs Brilliant General Maintenance Inc.

By The Northern California Record |
The Alameda County Superior Court reported the following activity in the suit brought by Raul Rayna against Brilliant General Maintenance Inc. on Jan. 29: 'Complaint-Other Employment Filed'

Other industries could end up facing wild fire-climate change litigation like PG&E, business expert predicts

By John Breslin |
SAN FRANCISCO - Natural gas pipeline operators, auto manufacturers and construction firms could all end up paying for wild fires blamed on climate change, according to a leading expert on business and energy policy.